1. Heavy Rain - PS3 Exclusive
Have you played Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US)? How about Omikron: The Nomad Soul on my good old friend the Dreamcast? Quantic Dream delivers more than just a series of images on the screen; they have the power to excite your imagination and create unique relationships with characters. Heavy Rain is a must buy for me and I seriously can not wait for this release.
Just...freaking awesome.
2. Trine - PS3 and PC
A little known title I want to shoe horn into the newly created Little Big Planet genre, but I think Trine has a unique touch for co-op platforming. With a mix of Dungeon and Dragons class types and puzzles requiring real cooperation, I think this game will be fantastic for the adventurous gamer.
3. Fat Princess - PSN Exclusive
Here comes a PSN exclusive that I've been dying to play, more so since the insecure chubby ladies of the net (with no sense of humor) have raised a stink about it.

The game creates a unique cute atmosphere, a design to make the game stand out, then throws buckets of blood and destruction into the mix for a dark comedy effect. Mix that with team play, voice chat and classes for an instant win.
4. Uncharted 2 - PS3 Exclusive
The first Uncharted kicked ass and this one is bigger and better, instant buy.
Uncharted was one of the first games for the PS3 that truly had that next-gen smell to it. I know I can not expect a whole new experience like the first one, but the much more intricate environments alone looks to add a new sense of wonderment and adventure worth my time.
5. Ghostbusters - PS3, Xbox360, and whored out to everything else
Could this possible be the first movie tie-in game that I am interested in buying? I think it helps quite a bit that the movies are from an era of break dancing and a number of the original cast became involved. (Except for Sigourney Weaver, who by internet rumors passed up the chance only to become intrigued when she heard Bill Murray was on the project - but her role had already been filled.)
Now, I am a Little worried. The only version of the game given the green light for true co-op is the big headed Wii version. I'm not sure why the PS3 and Xbox360 are not including anything more than skirmish, but Terminal Reality is keeping things quiet.
6. Batman Arkham Asylum - PS3 Xbox360 & PC
Action fan? Sold.
Batman fan? Holy $hiT that looks AweSome!
Honorable Mentions
1. Bayonetta

Loved DMC1, hated DMC2. So it's a good thing that Hideki Kamiya (神谷 英樹), the DMC1 director, is taking the helm for this title. Challenging game play with over the top boot stomping, hair wiping, and dragon sufflexing have me watching this title very closely. It would be an instant buy, but well, it IS Sega. Were-Sonic. WERE-SONIC, nuff said.
2. Army of Two: 40th Day
Made for Co-Op games can be tons of fun with a bud. The aggro system and number of improvements to moral choices and money from contracts makes AoT:40th Day a refreshing update that might just get me preordering. Maybe.
3. Bioshock 2
The first was quite delicious, apart from the expected and way too easy final battle. The game play video for the second recently surfaced and looks very, very nice. It also does not look like much has changed from the first one as well. The major difference I saw was the ability to use plasmids in conjunction with your weapon. It just wasn't enough to sell me on a full $60 purchase, and is currently in my expansion category where I'll wait for a price drop before picking it up.
It looks REALLY good, but so did the first one. Not just sold completely yet.
4. MAG: Massive Action Game
Instant Award for least effort when creating a game title. The idea of a 256 player game sounds astonishingly difficult to pull off. Little has been shown in actual game play or mechanics, so I'm going to make some assumptions. 256 players per match means 4 groups of 64 players in different "zones" where they can win certain objectives that match them against other battalions of 64 player groups. I just do not see the hardware and network capability to produce 256 players on a single battlefield currently possible. I'm excited they're putting something like this together, but, I once paid for Planetside. It can go downhill pretty quickly.
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