So what exactly is this?
It's a stand for your DS. Escuse me, a stand for your DS Lite/DSi, Hori states the stand does not fit the first gen DS appropriately. When you're going through hours and hours of hacking and slashing on your new copy of DQIX, no more tired wrists from holding up the system. It's also a set of speakers so you don't get ear aches from using headphones. The speakers are compatible with any device with a standard stereo plug so it will work for all types of multimedia players like an iPod.
There's an added bonus for a stand in Japan as well since the DS can access the 1 Seg digital television broadcasting system for mobile devices. Mobile TV on your phone/DS, someday the rest of the world will catch up. Maybe.

It's a neat quirky item, one I would probably pick up if I was about to dive into a huge game like Dragon Quest. Will it come overseas? Who knows, but for about $50 retail price, it would make a great addition to any gaming bookshelf.
Get me one when you're in Japan!