I'm happy to say that the game is all that I had hoped for. SFIV is has gone back to it's roots and plays more like the the old school SFII games as opposed to the crossover games that everyone seems to love.
Now, don't get me wrong, I like those crossover fighters just as much as the next guy, but this is refreshing. Street Fighter IV doesn't rely on insane combos and flashy tag attacks that happen every 10 seconds. No "dial-a-combos" that lots of other games do. Instead, its gone back to the technical glory that it was once all about. You string together what you can manually and the game just feels much more tactical.
Okay, pretty much to sum it up in as few words as I can, Street Fighter IV is, well, Street Fighter. Despite the fancy new graphics and a few new gimmicks, this game is the 2D fighter that we all came to know and love from back in the day. The one that most people would credit as the fighting franchise that created the fighting game fan.
As far as complaints that I have for the game? The last boss. Maybe its just me, but he does seem horribly over powered after you beat him the first round. Seth just seems broken. Second, complaint? The inability to "quick continue." Do I really have to go back to the character select screen only to choose the same character again during arcade mode? There really should be an option to just continue with the same character after a loss. It really does save on the loading time.
At anyrate, go buy the game if you're any sort of self-respecting fighting fan. Its good. I promise.

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