Hell yeah!
Why is that?
Truck fulls of Chimera (the alien looking bad guys with six eyes - could you imagine how silly they look in glasses?) to shoot, explode, and gib. Not to mention an above average single player campaign, cooperative class online play, and some deathmatch throw in for flavor.
So why the title about hating Resistance 2?
Well, this is the ending of a typical game for me,
16 wonderful kills in that game!
I still don't get why you hate Resistance so much?
Ok, let's look at my all time stats here,
2,106 total kills. Which means, I only need, 10,000 - 2,106 = 7,894 for the final fraking 10,000 kill trophy! It's the last one I need for platinum.
In other words, if I made 100 kills each day, it would take me 79 freaking fraking days to make that quota! Now the game IS good. But it is NOT 79 days good.
There are also a number of issues with online competitive play that just strip the fun out of your day. You have auto aim turned on in multiplayer and without a mouse you're pretty much screwed if someone comes from behind you; you can bet that's going to happen quite a few times in large games. Also, most of the weapons only marginally help in some levels so I haven't switched from the carbine/rocket launcher combo for weeks now. Lastly, you have a meter that you must fill to trigger a special ability. You would think it would fill up faster when you are killed in order to give the player a small boost back into the game. Of course not. Those who do most of the killing, get to select the rocket launcher sooner and kill you just that much faster.
Did I mention you can't select the rocket launcher (which is a one hit kill weapon by the way) until after you hit level 15 in competitive play? In other words, any n00b who tries to join now will enjoy eating a rocket with a healthy dash of frustration until they get killed enough times to level up.
I know trophies are not mandatory. Personally though, I take a lot of pride in thoroughly finishing a game. Having one last trophy sit out there is a frustrating thing for me.
The online play is fast and easy, but it's just too easy and the game is setup to reward those who have been playing in excess of days instead of forming a team ensemble. So if you're like me and want to hit up every trophy available, save yourself some pain and look elsewhere. I fraking hate Resistance 2 and its unreasonable many month expected playtime for average competitive online play.
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