Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Project TRICO

From the creator of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. I'm excited. Are you?


  1. Makes me want to get into bio-engineering and perhaps create my own rat-cat-griffin-looking-creature....

  2. ...what? Now wait a second, I didn't tell Project TRICO they could take video clips of my childhood.

    And what's not shown in the video is that the rat-cat-griffin looking thing eats me at the end. I'm forever traumatized. I can't even talk about it. No, I cannot get this game.

  3. When Team Ico said their next game was going to be a cross of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, they were pretty much spot on. I think this concepts shows a lot of promise, and I am very excited about this!
