Saturday, June 13, 2009

E3: Tashpool's Picks

In reversed alphabetical chronological descending order...


You write a word, and then interact with an object in a new and interesting way. This is a groundbreaking game that will get me to dust off my DS, sit back, and write my enjoyment till my wrist hurts.

Heavy Rain!!!

Probably my most anticipated game for PS3. If you haven't played Indigo Prophecy, drop what your doing, kill yourself for living such a worthless life, then reincarnate, play it and prepare yourself for Heavy Rain.

Trico! I mean, The Last Guardian!

A mixture of Ico and Shadow of The Colossus - it's like a wet dream for the game loving puberty teen in all of us. Or ok, maybe just me.

Mod Nation Racers!

Reminiscent of the LBP level creator for a quick and fun racing game, this has a lot of potential.

Splinter Cell Conviction

I love the dirty grit action mixed with stealth tactics. Too bad I'll only get to watch the trailer since it's not coming to PS3.

Those are the only non repeaters (Kelli says I can't repeat) that I found to my liking at E3. The rest of the list is,

Uncharted 2
Little Bit Planet PSP - no I haven't finished the original, but having the LBP world on a portable just looks awesome!
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (wow, I have two PSP titles I'm looking forward to!)

Kinda Disappointed List
God of War III
Yes it looks great graphically, but it also looks like the same old from the previous titles. Until I see something more, I'm really just not that interested.


  1. How did I forget Scribblenauts?! I was so excited seeing that played.

  2. Scribblenauts seems really, really original. I like it.

    And you're disappointed with God of War III? What's wrong with you? Maybe I need to beat you with a trout and text message you at 5AM in the morning again!

    I can't believe Splinter Cell isn't making it on the PS3. I would have purchased a PS3 version over the PC version hands down.

  3. @Ant
    Splinter Cell Conviction has been a martini of one part delay and two parts screw ups. Pushed back numerous times, very little coming from the development team for years, and now neglected on the PS3. Of course Conviction can not be done on the PS3, just look at MGS4 and Uncharted, utter last gen crap! /sarcasm

    The E3 video looks great though, and I'll be missing this title for sure.
